Breed Health
The Wire Fox Terrier Breed Health and Conservation Plan
By Dr. David Hughes MRCVS
The Kennel Club launched a new resource for breed clubs and individual breeders - The Breed Health and Conservation Plans (BHCP) project - in September 2016. The purpose of the project is to ensure that all health concerns for a breed are identified through evidence based criteria, and that breeders are provided with useful information and resources to raise awareness of current health and welfare concerns in their breed, and support them in making balanced breeding decisions. Click the button below to read the Breed Health and Conservation Plan for the Wire Fox Terrier.
Results of the WFTA Health Survey 2020
By Dr. David Hughes MRCVS
During 2020 a breed health survey was launched for Wire Fox Terriers (WFTs). The main aim of this survey was to gain a good overall view of the current health status of WFTs. The survey was deliberately very broad in the hope any specific areas of concern could be identified to help improve breed health in the future. Click the button below to read the results.
Health Talk with WFTA President, Cara Campbell
A talk by Cara Campbell about VDEGS, DM and other concerns, given at the Central States Show in the United States recently.
Part 1
Part 3
Part 5
Part 7
Part 2
Part 4
Part 6
Part 8
Health Articles
The Itchy Dog - Skin problems in Wire Fox Terriers
By Dr. David Hughes MRCVS
Wire Fox Terrier Genetic Tests
By Dr. David Hughes MRCVS