We'd like to announce our winners for the Wire Fox Terrier Association 2025 Calendar Photo Competition. 

Our judges found it a very difficult task as we received so many fabulous photos, but eventually decided that Elaine Lee’s photo of her wire, Betsy deserved to be our overall winner. Her photo will appear on the cover of our calendar.

Our Runners-up were:
Catherine Atterton / Rosie & Robyn - January
Belinda Riegman / Bo - February
Natalie Mansell / Bob - March
Tracy Scott / Elsie & Horace - April
Arnold Fenocchi / Daisy - May
Be Duesman / Puppy - June
Paula Kowalska / Astro Pop Maximus Fox - July
Elaine Lee / Betsy - August
Marie-Christine Durocher / Morgane - September
Katarzyna Lulińska / Puppy Porta Astralis FCI - October
Luca Fenocchi / Dede - November
Sonja Tschimer / Tula - December

If you'd like to purchase one of our Limited Edition calendars, they'll be on sale at our Championship Show (19th Oct) and on this page from the 20th October.

We are happy to ship worldwide

WFTA 2025 Calendar

Produced by the Wire Fox Terrier Association, this A4 wall hanging calendar opens up to A3 when displayed. Each month features a winner from our popular photography competition, it also contains key show and event dates, both in the UK and abroad. WE SHIP WORLDWIDE.

Winning Photos for our 2025 Calendar

Click on a photo to enlarge.

The winning photo of BETSY - submitted by ELAINE LEE