Welcome to the Wire Fox Terrier Association
Formed 22 January 1913
Founded in 1913, this is the only association in the United Kingdom solely dedicated to the Wire Fox Terrier.
Our aim is to bring together like minded people who have a love for the breed, whether that be through our events, education, welfare or health initiatives.
Be part of the Wire Fox Terrier Association.
Find out more about this wonderful breed.
Join us at our Grooming Seminar on 3rd May
Quick Contacts
Hon Secretary
Linda Ford
+44(0)7766 302962
Dave Dipple
+44(0)1543 491958
Online Shop Enquiries
Jacqueline Straubinger-Bremar
Grooming Enquiries
Carl Adshead
+44(0)7794 434599
Puppy Enquiries
Rachael Watkin-Jones
Welfare & Rehoming
Louise Beary
+44(0)7842 465080
Membership Enquiries
Grace Dawson
Breed Education Co-ordinator
Rachel Pearce
Judging CV’s & Enquiries
Please email to:
Yearbook Enquiries
Please email to:
Latest News
Best of breed at Crufts this year was Ch Blanca vd Schoenen Bergen, who also won the terrier group - a great result!
The WFTA wishes to extend its sincere condolences to family and friends upon the news of Dan Ericsson passing.
Best Of Breed at Crufts 2022 was awarded to Spice Girl Van Foliny Home by breed specialist judge Mr Dan Ericsson. Bred and owned by Mr R & Mrs D De Munter-Uiterwijk and handled by Mrs De Munter-Uiterwijk.
Today at the Fox Terrier Club of Wales Championship Show, Willowyre Whyte Magic won her much anticipated third Challenge Certificate.
Schonenberg’s Paperman Purple won Best Of Breed and RBIS at The Fox Terrier Club’s Championship Show this weekend.
Be's Graycottage Pippa Johnes (IMP DEU) won BOB at Paignton Championship Show this weekend.
Blackdale Buccaneer Of Russmews gained his Championship title today (subject to KC approval) at the East Of England Championship Show.
We understand it has been a difficult time for all during the pandemic and that things are far from settled, but the Committee of the WFTA have continued to meet for their regular meetings throughout to discuss ways to support our membership and breed the best we can.
The Wire Fox Terrier Association is deeply saddened to hear the news that past WFTA President and Committee member Mrs Sheila Steadman (Beauwire) has passed away.
We received this update this morning from Louise Beary, our Welfare & Re-homing Co-ordinator. "Lockdown in Wales, made life a bit more interesting for this old boy…
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Featuring the popular Tabor the Terrierble books written by Susanna M. Newstead. Visit our shop for more details.