The WFTA welcomes friends and members to advertise in the 2022 edition of the Yearbook which will be available in March 2023. Please ensure you submit your adverts/requests by the 25th January 2023, adverts received after that date WILL NOT be accepted.

The Year Book Editors are Rachel Pearce & Linda Ford and they will be happy to assist you with any enquiries about advertising whether you are from the UK or overseas. As well as advertising your dogs, any success and enjoyment of the breed, we also welcome articles of interest, these can be general canine activities or health related. All articles are welcomed for consideration for inclusion. The variety of content lends a great deal of interest to the yearbook which is sent out to our members all over the world, and is a historical Register of our breed since 1913. You can either send pre completed adverts that meet the required specifications or alternatively all you need to do is to send your photograph(s) and an outline of what you wish to say and we will do the rest. 

If the Editors are formulating your advert it is essential that the photograph is not incorporated in your copy but supplied separately. To ensure the best possible quality reproduction, both digital and hard copy photographs must be high resolution and be scanned at a minimum of 300 dpi and saved in either JPG or TIFF format. We regret that it is no longer possible to return hard copies of photographs.

The cost for placing an advertisement will be £50.00 for one page. Double pages will have a discount and be £90.00. For multiple page bookings please email the Year Book Editor at for prices. Unfortunately no advertisements will be forwarded for printing unless full payment has been received. Payment can be made via debit or credit card using our on line facility. Please ensure you make note of your details and pages being paid for. Please send advertisements and articles for review to also please don’t hesitate to make contact if further information is required.

Advert Templates:

Advert templates are available to download here - when opened in photo editing software such as Photoshop they can be a used as a base for pre-finished adverts.

⬇️ Download Advert Template - Single Page

⬇️ Download Advert Template - Double Page

Book an Advert

Pay for an Advert

Yearbook Advertising
from £50.00

For multiple double page bookings please email the Year Book Editor at for prices.