WFTA Grooming Seminar
The next Grooming Seminar will take place on Saturday 3rd May 2025 at Shenstone Village Hall, Barnes Road, Shenstone, WS14 0LT.
Attendees will be asked to arrive at 9:30am for a prompt 10:00am start. Complementary tea, coffee and biscuits will be supplied, but please bring a packed lunch. The seminar will conclude at 4pm.
Places can be booked now: WFTA Members £30.00, Non Members £40.00.
Each year the association holds a grooming seminar aimed at people of all levels of experience who would like to begin to learn, or improve their hand stripping technique. Everyone from absolute beginners to professional groomers are welcome.
We always choose centrally based premises with plenty of room to set up areas for different levels of experience. Top breed specialist groomers are there to give advice and support and during the day there's always a specialist hand stripping demonstration by a top groomer. Many levels of grooming are covered, right from beginners through to how to prepare for the show ring, as well as the all-important 'finishing' for those who want to turn their wires out to a higher standard.
Grooming tables, equipment and even dogs are available to borrow if you don't have your own and there's a grooming supply shop where you can purchase brushes, combs, chalk blocks etc. Attendees are requested to bring a packed lunch but tea, coffee, soft drinks and biscuits are provided.
Join us on Saturday 3rd May at Shenstone Village Hall for our Hand Stripping Grooming Seminar. Open to all abilities from absolute beginner to grooming professionals. Book now as places are limited.
Photos from one of our previous seminars
Click on an image to enlarge